Friday 20 January 2017


How does it work technically? You declare the willingness to Give Help (click on "Provide Help"), type in the amount you wish to Provide as Help either in your Local Currency on in Bitcoin after which your account will be rewarded with One Time Registration Bonus (depending on amount of Help Provided). Help provided will start growing from the moment it was entered online at the rate of 30% for Local Currency or 50% for Bitcoin in 30 days, while you remain with your money till you are paired with who you will donate directly to. In GHW, you will be able to see picture of who you are donating to with their Country. Your Yield amount and date shows you Amount you can request on the 30th day and the date of Maturity. Say you have announced willingness to assist with $ 100 in Bitcoin, they will immediately start growing! By 50% in 30days, this $100 will become $150 in Bitcoin, if you declare willingness to give 1,000 in your Local currency (30% growth) in 30 Days it will become 1,300

Accordingly, you will be able to request for Help of $ 150 in Bitcoin or 1,300 in your Local currency. Participants who fail to upload their Picture will earn 30% of their Provided Help in Bitcoin in 30days and 20% of their Provided Help in Local Currency. Participants who Upload their Picture will Earn their Complete 50% in Bitcoin in 30days and 30% for Local Currency in 30days. Participants who upload fake pictures will be Blocked when their ID is requested and compared with the uploaded picture. However, you cannot Get Help if you have not Provided Help. Request for providing help comes to you in your Dashboard. If you do not do it within 48 hours, you will be removed from the system. (For all eternity) In cases of any matter regarding the topic our Support Team are ready to help and answer all your questions.

When registering in the system, you get from $20 to $100 as a One Time Registration Bonus in Bitcoin and 4,000 to 20,000 as One Time Registration Bonus in Your Local Currency. Bonuses are given only once, not every time. Only those who’s first Pledge to Provide Help falls within the bonus range. (Otherwise the System will be pulled apart for bonuses). Registration Bonus Ranges for Bitcoin are as Follows;

(1.) $20 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from $50 to $499.
(2.) $50 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from $500 to $2'999.
(3.) $100 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from $3'000 and above.

Registration Bonus Ranges for Local Currencies are as Follows;

(1.) 4,000 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from 15,000 to 149,000.
(2.) 10,000 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from 150,000 to 649,000.
(3.) 20,000 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from 650,000 and above of your Local Currency.

Each participant is allowed to have ONLY one account.
Credibility Score Index
Credibility Score index is a custom rating logic implemented into the system to ensure fair-play and honesty. Each new account is started with 100% rating, however, penalties are enforced when guidelines are broken, which lead to the deduction of score point. This is to ensure all members act and respond according to the guidelines of the community.

Key Guidelines / Penalties include the following
If you are paired and you contact the money-receiving member, asking for a 24hr time extension to make payment, once he/she approves in his account, you will lose 25% of your credibility score.
If you offer to provide help and you cancel the offer (before you are paired), 5% score point will be deducted from your Credibility score card.
If discovered that your profile contains wrong profile picture/ information, 50% will be deducted.
If you fail to provide help to a paired member and expiry date elapses, your Credibility Score will be wiped out to Zero (0), which leads to automatic profile suspension.
Account/Profile suspension means you will no longer be able to place or receive CLICK THIS LINK TO JOIN NOW

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